OOOFTA is a load carrying backpack that can transform into a habitable space suitable for protective sleeping and protective cover. The transformative aspect of OOOFTA backpacks change it from a backpack into an extended protective cocoon suitable for sleeping within that is lightweight and strong. OOOFTA offers protections against predatory animals, weather, insects, and other environmental hazards. It’s what distinguishes OOOFTA from all other backpacks.
Let’s start with a definition: Uff da (sometimes also spelled huffda, uff-da, uffda, uff-dah, oofda, ufda, ufdah, oofta, OOOFTA (that’s us) or uf daa): is an exclamation or interjection expressing bafflement, surprise, or dismay. Of Norwegian origin, the phrase was brought by Scandinavian Americans in the upper Midwest, New England, and Pacific Northwest regions of the United States.
We consider OOOFTA, as we hope you do, as Revolutionary !
The inspiration for OOOFTA simply stemmed from experiences with outdoor activities.
OOOFTA, a habitable backpack according to the present invention substantially departs from the conventional concepts and designs of the prior art, and in so doing provides an apparatus which not only functions well as a backpack, but which can also readily be converted or transformed into a space sufficiently to occupy as a protective habitat.
Who Its For